C/10 Talk is a Podcast about all things Chevy and GMC Trucks from 1960-1998. The builders, the aftermarket, and most importantly, the amazing truck community!

Episode 13 

Looking for promotional material or cool automotive apparel go check out www.hotrodavenue.com they have shirts, hats, hoodies, stickers, banners and more. From one automotive person to another. 

C10 Talk got a face lift - our website www.c10talk.com got a complete make over, thanks to Randy at www.eightdeuce.com  If your looking for a great web designer with excellent vision and very easy to work with - Randy form eightdeuce.com is your guy. 

Lets get to know Raul from C10 Era 60-66.

In todays episode we find out about Raul and his family. How he does a great job keeping his family involved in  the business of running the C10era brand. 

We find out what Raul does for his “real” job. How busy life can get for someone that has a regular job - and then takes on two very active Instagram pages.

We find out how Raul got into C10’s and why he is always paying tribute to his Grandfather. 

How did Raul get his current 64 C10 and how it all came about.

We find out that Raul drives his truck daily - 60 miles a day! Awesome.

What other style C10 Trucks appeal to Raul?

How did Raul start @c10era60_66 on Instagram. We find out what the original page name was and why he changed it.

We find out who DM’d Raul and said “Hey Kat I dig what you are doing, you need to go a step further!” From that point on Raul felt - this was a sign and the rest is history.

What are Raul’s thought about how far he has come.

Where did Raul borrow the money to get it all going? Was he scared? 

Did he sell a lot of T- Shirts the first go around?

We find out who is the Texas version of Raul in California and how they have both assisted each other in the Instagram world.

Well is you have a great brand, why not another? How did @c10era come about and where was Raul going when he couldn’t handle it anymore and said - I’ve got to do this and create this second page. 

What does Raul think regarding social media and how it effects the truck hobby.

Does he feel like there are tow many C10 Instagram pages?

Who has helped Raul the most and really inspired him to be the best he can be.

How many hours does it take to run two pages and ship all those orders?

Why does Raul necks hurt? Lets get his a neck massage!!!

Is Raul trying to build an Empire and what’s next for him and his pages.

Does he feel like a business man.

Why are we talking about roots and the roots growing?

Why does he believe so much in customer service.

What does the future hold for Raul and the C10 Era.

Has he ever gotten the two pages mixed up when posting?

How many DM’s does he get in a day?

How does he find his images and what makes the C10 Era cut?

How did Raul team up with C10 Club and how cool is their new shirt? s

What works best for him to find your pics? Make sure to Hashtag #c10era

We find out that Raul has some really exciting news!

Raul tells the C10 Nation and the C10 Talk listeners that he has acquired a new truck!! An awesome 1964 short bed truck that is going to get all the bells and wistles. He has teamed up with GSI Manufacturing, Chevy Only Dino, Switch’s Suspension to do a full suspension build in one day at GSI’s shop in Chandler, Arizona later this year.

Look for more on this “Laid out” build as the event gets closer. 

We also find out how he got his awesome @digitalc10 rendering and that he plans on creating the truck.

A lot of really good stuff talking with Raul and he as a lot of great things to come with both Raul and C10 era60-66 - Thanks a lot Raul, always good chatting with you brother.

Remember to check out our new website www.c10talk.com, and let me know what you think. 


Until next episode - stay safe C10 Nation! Keep listening and we’ll keep the episodes coming!

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