C/10 Talk is a Podcast about all things Chevy and GMC Trucks from 1960-1998. The builders, the aftermarket, and most importantly, the amazing truck community!

Coverage and interviews from the first Git On Up. 

This Podcast is brought to you by these Rad Ass Companies. 

www.clasicperform.com - Use Code "C10 Talk" at check out and save 10% off your entire order. Damn Son!!

www.brotherstrucks.com - Your #1 source for 1947-87 Chevy & GMC restoration parts - check out there DIY tech and video's while you're there. 

www.azproperformance.com - looking to upgrade from stock! Call Travis and Nick, and tell them I sent you. They have the products and the knowledge to get your C10 the way you WANT it! 

www.mar-k.com - the BEST in the business - side molding and SO MUCH more. The sooner you get that catalog, the sooner you'll know. 

The Canadians took GREAT care of us! We had a blast and got to see how they do it North of the Border. 

Friday we hung out at the host shop - a few Barley Pops where consumed! Saturday was a back country cruise - through some beautiful Canada Farm Country. Sunday was the show. 100 + trucks - not bad for their first show. Not bad at all! 


Thanks Darren, Justin, and especially Kevin Stickel and Fam. You guys rock. Ronnie

Direct download: 107CanadaFinal.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:58pm MST

Kevin Stickel takes the mic and interviews 

John Oro - C10 Club

Carlos Vidales - Dropped Lower

Payson Wetch - C10 Talk Jr.

Del Ushenko - Delmo Speed

Yours Truly, Ronnie Wetch - C10 Talk

Fun times ahead. 

This episode is brought to you by www.us-mags.com - check out their new 2018 Styles - and so much more. 

Direct download: CanadaFunFinal.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:07pm MST

Episode #106 is brought you by these kick ass Sponsors - 

www.accuair.com - The leader in automotive air management and creators of ENDO. 

www.dakotadigital.com  - VHX, HDX, and NOW - RTX, check out their retro styling HDX gauges now. 

www.classicperform.com - Remember to use code "C10 Talk" at check out to save 10% off your entire CPP order. 

www.brotherstrucks.com - Your #1 source for 1947-87 Chevy and GMC restoration and aftermarket parts. 

Interviews from the 20th Annual Brothers Show & Shine. 

Direct download: 106Brothers20thShowFinal.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:43pm MST